September is International Square Dancing Month. Instead of more debates, let's have the Republican presidential candidates engage in a dance off to see how well they follow directions.
September is also National Courtesy Month, which means we really shouldn't have any more Republican presidential candidate debates.
Sept. 8 is National Date Nut Bread Day. I tried celebrating that last year and refuse to do it again. That nut bread didn't even thank me for taking it to dinner.
Sept. 10 is National Swap Ideas Day. It would be so nice if members of Congress celebrated that.
Sept. 11 is National No Good News Day, which means political candidates have an excuse to say something stupid.
Sept. 13 is National Defy Superstition Day and National Fortune Cookie Day. I think I'll defy superstition by eating a fortune cookie.
Sept. 20 is National Punch Day. Line up behind me if you want to throw a couple at political candidates.
Sept. 21 is International Peace Day. We can celebrate if we do a good job on Sept. 20.
Sept. 22 is Elephant Appreciation Day. I'd rather celebrate National Punch Day.
Sept. 23 is Dogs in Politics Day. How quickly we forget Elephant Appreciation Day?
Sept. 28 is Ask a Stupid Question Day. Why can't this be followed with Political Candidates Give a Stupid Answer Day? Was that question stupid enough?
I think I'll celebrate Ask a Stupid Question Day by watching Fox News.